Jane Addams to Amy Woods, September 4, 1924


Dear Miss Woods,

Miss Cumberson wrote that Mrs Kent had given $100.00 to the International fund. As her name was not down it must have come [through] the Cal. Branch. It would be fine I think to have all those donors for the Branches and the Summer School straightened out & published in a final report of the $50,000-fund to the U.S.A. members.

I have just written Mrs Post that I hope after we pay for the two Summer School speeches that there will be something left with which to repay the National, or the money advanced to the International from the National [share] of the fund. I will ask the English to get out their "cahier" with recommendations for Mrs Swanwick after her experience and I will send Mrs [Kent's] check to pay the bill in London. Hastily yours

Jane Addams