Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams and Emily Greene Balch, September 4, 1924


Sept. 4, 1924.

Dear Miss Addams and Miss Balch:

We have loved friends from a distance visiting us, so I cannot write on all the subjects on which I have something to say to you, but I can get some things off my mind.

I have deposited to the Report Fund the Toronto Pax Special money, $135.00; also check from Miss Schaff for $25.00, and one from Mrs. D. [K.] Minster, giving in place of her mother, Mrs. Simon Kuhn, of Cincinnati, who is in Europe, $10.00; also from Ruth V. Poley, of Germantown, $10.00. This gives us a surplus of $270.00. I have sent Reports to all three. Miss Addams says Mrs. Cumberson writes that Mrs. Kent gave $100.00. I have not heard anything about this. Perhaps it was to the Congress Fund last spring. I think Miss Surles has been working on getting the individual donors out of those State or Branch lists. Perhaps if Miss Addams should write directly to Miss Woods about it she could make use of Miss Surles's material.

Miss Woods wrote me from Islesboro that Miss Addams thought it would be wise to hold any surplus of the "International Fund" to use for publishing the Summer School papers. I do not know whether or not she refers to the Report Fund. I have been supposing that any surplus from the Report Fund would have to be held for the French and German editions. I heard from Mme. Jouve today, and she said something about the Reports I had promised to send her for use in making the French edition -- that that would reach her at Bex until the 12th of September. As I sent them about the 23rd they ought to reach her. This looks as if she expected to get out the French edition. (But wo! she is leaving Bex, just after Miss Glücklich has given out that address as the address of the French Section, and I have so put it into the Report! And she doesn't ↑even↓ mention what is going to be her next address! Aren't these foreign people unbusinesslike?) I will hold the balance of the Report Fund, which may yet increase, subject to your order.

Miss Balch asks me to send a Report to Mrs. George Handy. I will refer this to the office, as the Report distribution is now in Miss Woods's hands. I thank Miss Balch for Miss McMurtrie's address.

I finished the last of the Report distribution which I had made myself responsible [page 2] for, on the 2nd of September, completing the distribution to the foreign Associate Members. I sent as Miss Addams authorizes me to do, to all Members of this kind, whether paid up or not. I will report to Miss Woods that Miss Addams thinks they should be so sent out, so that she may follow the same rule with the American ↑Associate↓ Members. As you will probably remember, I have left ↑the distribution to↓ the U.S. Associate Members, and the U.S. contributors to the Congress, to Miss Woods.

Faithfully and affectionately,

Alice Thacher Post [signed]