William T. Brewster to Jane Addams, November 8, 1911


November 8th, 1911.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
800 South Halsted Street
Chicago, Illinois

My dear Miss Addams:--

I have your kind letter of October 27th and I am very glad that you can contribute some part at least to a volume on Social Settlements. I wish that you could really do the major part of the work, and the publishers, whom I have consulted since receiving your letter, will hardly listen to anything else. We all very much want you to do this book, since your name and your knowledge would undoubtedly carry the information further among the very classes that we want to reach than that of anybody else in the country. The books, which have heretofore been issued at 75 [cents] will be issued at 50 [cents] in this country, and are issued at one shilling in England. What we want to do it to reach a very large number of the better class of readers. From that point of view you might find that it would be well worth your while to write this book; for, as I have said, the editors think that your name would carry the book further than that of any other person.

I am asking Mr. Harcourt of Henry Holt & Company to send you certain volumes which I think you might, in any event, be interested in, whether you are able or not to undertake a book yourself. Tomorrow [page 2] I am sailing for London, where my address will be in the case of Brown Shipley & Company, 123 Pall Mall. I do very much hope that you can do this book. There would be no immediate time pressure. When in London I can let you know more specifically about the British suggestion that Canon [Barnett] do a part of the volume.

I am
Very truly yours,
W. T. Brewster [signed]

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