Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, January 19, 1925


Geneva, January 19th, 25.

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Dear Miss Addams,

As you see by the enclosure, I am keeping to your instruction, which has been a sad surprise to me, after being in charge for more than two years.

You would oblige me very much by telling me what you disapproved in the wording and how I ought to have worded it.

In case you agree with the draft joint letter of Mrs. Corbett-Ashby, please wire me, because [page 2] I am afraid it would be too late to answer by letter.

Now I beg to put before you a financial question: I feel the necessity of having an English speaking fellow-worker during the Labour Conference from May 19 to the middle of June. Lady Courtney recommends one of her nieces, Miss Dobbs. Do you agree with my offering her the four hundred francs we estimated on our budget, because Miss Balch by mistake put in 600 Francs for [Mme.] Tunas, while she has only 550?

Very sincerely yours Vilma Glücklich