Jane Addams to Amy Woods, September 4, 1924

[Hull's] Cove Maine
Sept. 4" 1924

My dear Miss Woods

I would give up all our rights to Dr Swiggett's article unless we can get reprints. I have written both to Miss Balch and Mrs Post -- that it seems to me we might take out of the special report fund enough for the Johnson article & for Frau [Kirchhoff]'s article, there has been much demand for them and also for Edith Abbotts article -- [although] I think the later could wait better than the other two.

I think just a little foreword for both as [for] the Summer School would be enough. Miss Breckinridge [page 2] ought to be asked to do the Johnson one & I will try the [antisemitism] one [although] I don't think much is needed. I think that you ought to determine the style [etc.] of the pamphlets and begin with the printing at once if the accts justify it.

I also wrote both of the ladies that I had asked you to get a filing cabinet for the international material ↑from D. North's check of $100.00↓ for all the correspondence [etc.] I sent to Washington as well as for the cards of international members. The English "cahier" I am writing to London about & hope we can get it out later with an article from Mrs Swanwick. [page 3]

Miss Balch did write to the "Y" people, I will ask her to send you the material.

Your letter from Maine I am very grateful for and I think I understand the situation.

I hope very much that the So. American plan will come [through]. Please write me about it after the Sept. Board meeting & do tell me the [name of?] the Madison student who is doing the Police [etc.] study -- I have some material at home that might be pooled. Hastily but affectionately yrs Jane Addams.