Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, October 30, 1924


October 30, 1924

Dear Miss Addams:

Justice Brandeis has let us know that he feels he can't break his rule and write an appreciation of Mrs. Kelley which we can bring out in the Graphic which comes from the press just after her twenty-fifth anniversary meeting. You will understand why we turned to him. You are of course our next choice. Perhaps what you are to say at the meeting would serve -- or at least make it easier for you to craft something for us. It's been ever so long since you have written anything for the Survey. There is no text that would capture you, I believe, so much as Mrs. Kelley and her work.

We shall have to send the manuscript to the printer by November 7 at latest. It need not be long, say a thousand words. ↑Go twice that if you wish. Written in [the] a vein to get over to those who do not know Mrs. Kelley the way you have, [what her life has meant] what she has meant [illegible] her life and work have meant. Do say yes.↓ Can you do it for us?


Miss Jane Addams
[800] S. Halsted St.
Chicago, Ill.

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