Jane Addams to Amy Woods, October 24, 1924


Sunday afternoon 3 P.M. -- Nov. 16"

Would be delighted to have Mrs. Pennell [organize] Peru -- most of our organization has been done [that?] [illegible] the members of [our] country [organizing?] a neighbor. [page 2]

Of course, you must come [through] Chicago & stay at Hull-House before you go.

(1) I am suggesting your name also as a member of the Lima Conference. I am quite out of International paper.

(2) Please ask Miss Balch to write out an authorization for you and one for Miss Baber to represent the Int. W.I.L. in So America & I will sign them both.

Hastily but affectionately yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Oct. 24" 1924