Michi Kawai to Jane Addams, March 24, 1924


March 24, 1924.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

Day before yesterday, March 22, I cabled you in the name of Mrs. Inoue saying "Two delegates coming" signed "Inoue." This means that one Japanese lady Mrs. Ohashi from Chicago, and one from Japan, Miss Kita Hasegawa, will attend your conference of the International Womens League of Peace and Freedom. You may have had communication with Mrs. Ohashi directly, therefore, I need not add anything more, as I do not know much about her program; as to the latter, Miss Hasegawa, I want to explain to you.

She is the vice-chairman of the National Board of the Y.W.C.A. in Japan. She holds the position of deanship at St. Hilda's which is an English Episcopal girls school in Tokyo. She studied in England in 1906 and since she came back she has been holding the above position up to the present time. The National Convention of the Y.W.C.A. will meet in New York from April 30 to May 6 and the Worlds Committee is to meet in Washington from the 8th to the 14th. We are sending her to represent our movement to these two meetings. She was suddenly asked by the Womens Peace Society to represent them to your convention. Unfortunately your convention and that of the Y.W.C.A. will conflict in dates, but she can stay in New York almost to the end of the Association convention and take the night train to Washington to attend about three days of your conference. I hope this arrangement will be satisfactory to you. The $200.00 you have sent, or are going to send to Miss Wada will be naturally handed over to Miss Hasegawa through the Peace Society here. She will leave Japan on April 3 by the President Wilson and arrive in San Francisco on the 17th. Please communicate with her in care of The Overseas Department, Y.W.C.A., 800 Lexington Ave., New York City.

So far the Peace Society has done very little to report to the public. Our delegates can add almost nothing to your convention, but they can gain a great deal from it and we are very thankful for this privilege granted to us. Thank you very much for your sympathy and encouragement given to us from time to time. As for me I regret very much that I have to decline the repeated invitations from America this year, owing to the pressing need for my time here in Japan.

By the way, I hear that you have sent some Victrola records to the National Residence in Tokyo. Thank you. Please remember me kindly to Miss Smith. Hoping that this letter will find you in good health, I am

Very sincerely yours,

Michi Kawai [signed]