George Woodward Wickersham to Jane Addams, February 2, 1924




February 2, 1924

My dear Miss Addams:

At my suggestion Dr. Gulick has recently mailed you a copy of the volume which grew out of his extended visit in the Orient, called "The Winning of the Far East."

I trust you have found time to glance through it. You will no doubt have noted his valuable survey of conditions in Japan, Korea and China, and perhaps also the large number of important contacts which he made.

Recent developments in American Japanese relations require fresh consideration and careful treatment. Irritation is again developing between America and Japan. The volume of contributions sent to Japan after the earthquake and fire have done much to cement goodwill between us. But the decisions of the United States Supreme Court which validate the laws of the Pacific Coast states hampering and humiliating "aliens ineligible for citizenship," are producing serious conditions among Japanese not only in those states but also in the international situation.

Proposals are now before Congress for the abrogation by an immigration law of both the "Gentlemen's Agreement" and the present Treaty. If passed, they would constitute a flagrant breach of international courtesy. Indeed, it would be a vicious act of international immorality.

Proposals are also before Congress to change our laws so as to deny American citizenship to American born children of "aliens ineligible to citizenship." Such a law would seriously threaten the continuance of friendly relations with Japan.

To meet this situation we are about to publish two pamphlets, one dealing with the Japanese in continental United States, and the other with the Japanese in Hawaii. These pamphlets should be sent not only to all members of Congress, but to public men throughout the United States, and also to editors of the daily and religious press. [page 2]

Dr. Gulick's volume on the Far East should be sent to some four hundred important leaders in Japan, Korea and China whom he met and to whom he is more or less indebted.

I write you thus fully in the hope that these plans may meet with your approval and that you may share in the necessary expenses of carrying them out.

For the work of this Commission for the year we shall need about $5,000.00. May we have your generous cooperation?

Very sincerely yours,

Geo. W. Wickersham [signed]

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