Jane Addams to Graham Taylor, September 4, 1910


Bar Harbor, Maine.

My dear Dr Taylor

I hope to send the last six chapters of "Twenty Years" to New York this week, the first twelve have already gone and the proof is beginning to come in. It is certainly very much better than the American articles [although] that isn't very high praise -- they were so cut [page 2] and mangled. I shall ask Macmillan to send you advance sheets and am certainly very grateful that you will review it. The whole thing of course was undertaken too soon, on the other hand "the settlement movement" has come on so rapidly that the first ventures are already ancient history.

I came here on Friday after seven weeks in Bethel which [page 3] is a pastoral spot and beautiful withal. Mary Smith seemed better than she has for ↑a↓ year at least and we are at last much encouraged. I worked on the book for four to six hours a day, [although] I write so slowly -- that it is  hard to realize there are so many hours of work on it. I will be here until Oct 1st and so having taken my "three months" I hope to be worth more next winter than I have been for two years past. It is wonderful the way [page 4] you work and write year after year and then saw wood for recreation! I am filled with admiration and wonder.

Mrs Bowen unites with me in cordial greetings to Mrs Taylor and yourself.

I wish you both might see this fascinating island but perhaps you have! Always sincerely your friend

Jane Addams

Sept 4" 1910

I will be fifty years old in two days [surely] Half a century is an [illusive] thing. [page 5]


The book is to be illustrated by pen & ink drawings by Norah Hamilton and the cover has been designed by Mr Hazenplug, so that it will be quite a Hull-House effort. I have but one extra copy of the book or be delighted to send on a manuscript, doubtless Macmillan will arrange the advance sheets.