Hamilton Holt to Jane Addams, November 4, 1921



National Headquarters

November 4th, 1921.

Dear Miss Addams: --

We have received several excellent suggestions in response to the letter asking for an expression of opinion as to specific kinds of public service that should be recognized by awards of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.

Emphasis has been placed upon recognition of service in behalf of the development of a spirit of genuine internationalism; service which shall impress upon us as a nation the obligation to bear a fair share of the burdens of civilization; service which contributes to a good understanding among the diverse elements among our people; recognition of elected public officials who withstand nearsighted public clamor or strong political pressure and serve the public in a large way at a personal sacrifice; recognition of men who are solving social problems in their own industrial plants.

It seems to us that these suggestions reflect accurately some of the pressing needs of the day and in several instances point out forms of public service that have not been adequately recognized. The response has been helpful but not general enough to afford a basis for consideration. May we hope that you will let us have your opinions at your earliest convenience.

Very truly yours,

Hamilton Holt [signed]

Executive Director.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

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