Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, April 3, 1908


April 3rd, 1908.

My dear Miss Wald: --

I am very ashamed to do the so baldly but I shall have to insist that you accept the enclosed check for $25 which will, I hope, pay for the five cabs I had "off you" to and from the station to White Plains, to and from the grand dinner, and the final one to the Grand Central home. 

I know it is a very awkward thing to do, but you really drive one to it with your prompt method of payment. I hope it is enough. Some may have cost less than $5, but certainly the grand automobile cost more. 

You are so good to me in the way of mechanical contrivances as well as in the subtler spiritual ways. I am deeply grateful for all of that but you must let me in this instance, pay up for transportation.

We had a very comfortable journey home and arrived in the best of spirits. In fact, I think we were all enormously cheered by the conference, and I hope also made wiser.

I am going to write you a letter later but I am anxious to get this rather business like affair off today.

Please thank Miss Waters for the use of her room and all the other kindnesses.

With cordial greetings to all the members of your kind household, I am

Always affectionately yours,

 Jane Addams [signed]


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