Irene Osgood to Jane Addams, November 3, 1908


Nov. 3, 1908.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago.

My dear Miss Addams:

I was very glad to get your letter of October 31st, with the enclosed copies of the programs. Surely we ought to have a good meeting. I regret very much that your name is not on the program, and I am hoping that you intend to speak anyway. It is a little bit uncertain yet as to whether Doctor Ely or Professor Commons will come. I am enclosing two or three replies which found their way up here.

I wish we might have a little conference with Professor Graham Taylor and Professor Henderson on the protective machinery bill, and see if we cannot plan a good campaign.

We were planning to have a conference with the Chicago officers of the Association to discuss further the question of forming some sort of a local or loose organization in Chicago. It seems to be this would be wise.

Thank you very much for your invitation to come to the Hull House, and I shall be only too glad to accept. I will probably get there Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.

Sincerely yours,