Jane Addams to Irene Osgood, October 31, 1908 (fragment)


Oct. 31, 1908

My dear Miss Osgood:-

Enclosed please find a copy of the invitations we are sending out. Each one is addressed at the top to a particular person. We have sent out 236 exclusive of the list comprising the Neighborhood Workers etc. We will make a great effort to have Dr. Faville attend, but it seemed better not to have the Program too long. Mr. Lovejoy was to be in town next week, and we persuaded him to come a little early. We shall, of course, expect you to be here, and I hope you will let us entertain you at Hull House. Dr. Taylor and I failed to get our two business men. Mine was out of town, and Dr. Taylor felt that he would have [page(s) missing]