Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, March 11, 1919 Also known as: Jane Addams to the International Committee of Women for a Permanent Peace, American Committee of Five, March 11, 1919


International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace

The Section for the United States of America
The Woman's Peace Party
Office: 116 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois

March 11th, 1919

To the Members of the National Committee of Five:

I reached home Monday morning about ten o'clock and Mrs. Karsten and I immediately wrote out cablegrams to the members of the International Executive Committee, asking for their vote. Fortunately, before [the] ↑cables↓ had been sent, the enclosed cable arrived which seemed to me to so clearly change the situation that we cabled as follows to Dr. Jacobs:

"Have sent following cable to Allied and neutral countries. Jacobs cables Congress impossible Hague May. Cable today from members five national sections urges Congress Switzerland. American section concurs. Am therefore calling Congress Berne Switzerland May fifth. Please cable official notices to every national section. [Am] so sorry change was necessary. Assume you also had message from Berne.

Jane Addams"

I sent cables to all the National Sections except the four of the belligerent countries, announcing the meeting for Berne, Switzerland, May fifth. I felt justified in doing this ↑[illegible]↓ and am very glad that it is settled and we do not need to wait for further cables.

I will go to Washington ↑arriving March 18"↓ as quickly as possible in order to get a passport for Switzerland. I think you all know that Mrs. Post found that the Italian boat, [Giuseppe] Verdi, was sailing March twenty-ninth for Genoa, arriving there in about two weeks. It may be necessary for us to take that boat. I am getting this off hastily and will write again.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

P.S. I enclose copies of a cable from Switzerland and two from England.