Jane Addams to Mina Van Winkle, December 18, 1917


December 18th, 1917

My dear Miss Van Winkle:

Mrs. Karsten has handed me your letter of December fifth to her on my return to Chicago from the Florida trip.

I am afraid it will be impossible to secure receipts for the railroad tickets and Pullman reservations procured so long ago, and I think it would be better to drop the entire matter. I will call the one hundred and eighteen dollars my contribution to the Food Conservation movement.

I am very glad, however, to know that in the future when I travel at the expense of the Department, I will be furnished with transportation requests to avoid any difficulty although I hope that in most cases the people to whom I am speaking will defray my expenses. The Florida people seemed quite pleased with that arrangement.

Assuring you of the pleasure it gave me to meet you, I am,

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]