Mina Caroline Ginger Van Winkle to Eleanor Daggett Karsten, December 5, 1917


December 5, 1917

Miss Eleanor Daggett Karsten
Secretary to Jane Addams
800 South Halsted Street
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Karsten:

With reference to your letter of Dec. 3, transmitting Miss Jane Addams expense account for connection with her trips to Hot Springs and Denver. It will very much expedite the matter of securing her reimbursement if you can furnish us with receipts for her railroad tickets and Pullman reservations.

We regret that we did not know earlier that we should have advised Miss Addams ↑to inform the railroad officials↓ that she was traveling on Government business, and, thereby avoid payment of war tax on her tickets, as the Government will not allow this item of expense since it does not tax itself.

In the future when we ask Miss Addams to travel at our expense we will furnish her with transportation requests so that she will not have to pay for her tickets and thereby go through this red tape in order to be reimbursed.

Awaiting your attention to this matter, we are,

Very truly yours,

Speaking Division