Jane Addams to Arthur Taylor Aldis & Mary Reynolds Aldis, June 11, 1917


June 11, 1917.

My dear Mr. & Mrs. Aldis: --

While we realize that many unusual demands are made upon you this year, may we still urge you to renew your generous contribution to our Fresh Air Fund for the children who otherwise would spend the entire summer in the hot and dusty city?

At the Country Club north of Waukegan, owned by Hull-House, five dollars maintains a child for two weeks.

In response to the needs of war time, the boys have already planted eight acres of potatoes and will care for a flock of sheep during the summer. The girls will work each day in the large garden, and have lessons in canning fruits and vegetables. Such work is conducted under careful supervision, as is the recreation of hayrack rides, hikes, swimming, etc.

Thanking you for your former kindness, and hoping that I am not presuming upon your courtesy, I am

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]