Jane Addams to Martha Ellen French, June 19, 1916


June 19, 1916.

My dear Miss French: --

Next to the disappointment of not being allowed to go to Marcet's wedding, I think I have been most disappointed not to be able to see Miss Culver and yourself before leaving. It does seem too stupid to be so near you and not to be allowed to make so short a journey.

Miss Smith's brother was so much better that she was able to come home a week ago and she is feeling very comfortable about him. She was naturally much alarmed when the diagnosis was pneumonia for his lungs and throat are most delicate.

We all go tomorrow to the coast of Maine. Mary and I, as you know, have our own little house and it has been a long cherished hope that you and Miss Culver would visit us there some summer. Your prognosis of plaster casts and crutches does not make it seem very likely for this summer but [page 2] I am sure I need not tell you what a great joy it would be to have you come. The journey is a very easy one so far as changing cars is concerned and we could make you perfectly comfortable in our little house. Perhaps the miracle will happen and you will decide to come after all!

The doctors insist that I am making satisfactory progress. They told me in the beginning that eight months was the shortest possible period and that it might take three years for a complete recovery. In my great desire to take the shorter route I have tried to do everything they told me to and I gleefully count off six months. I really feel very well when I make no exertion although I can quite easily throw myself into a bad backache.

We were so sorry to hear of your accident; a broken bone is such a slow, tedious thing, almost as bad as a tubercular kidney! I am sure that you will hear from us often during the summer and with love to Miss Culver and yourself, I am

Devotedly yours,

Jane Addams [signed] [page 3]

P.S. I suspected that flowers would be a drug on the market in Lake Forest and so sent you a small basket of fruit which I hope reached you safely. Please do not acknowledge.

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