Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, May 19, 1902


Dearest: I have had my R.R. wreck at last, the jar, the moment of panic, the thrill, the rescue, all very neatly enacted. The ten days thereafter, [although] containing some very miserable hours, have not on the whole been so bad, & I find this morning -- the first downstairs -- filled with a content so deep that it reminds ↑me↓ of that of the early days of H. H. You have been a saint about writing, three of your letters during the first week and cheered me to the soul. Orvieto with marching Socialists entertains me still whenever I think of it -- which is quite often. Your father & mother have been so good, they have come over and sent posies & messages until I have a real glow of filial affection. I have had it before but never so warmly. Laura takes charge of the Coffee House today with a good deal of timidity but I imagine with success. Esther & the baby come the last of the week & we will have a family reunion. Sister Kelley & I had a fine time in Cal. I am so glad that she will be here this summer. The flats are all occupied but yours & Mrs Wilmarth's. I hope to see them in a day or two. My best love to you always & to Sister Eleanor.

Always yours J. A.

May 19" 1902