Edward Grey to Jane Addams, June 20, 1915




June 20th '15

Dear Miss Addams

I have received your letter and I should personally be most interested to hear the impressions gained by you of the views of Statesmen in other belligerent countries.

I think it is also important that they <these> should be known to the British Government; but this latter object can best [page 2] be effected by your seeing one of the Ministers or some responsible person in London.

I am by the urgent advice of an [oculist] having comple treatment and complete rest for my eyes and shall <am> not <to> return to work in London till next month. By this means it is hoped to save my eyesight which, from [page 3] long standing trouble and inability to give it rest and treatment before, had been in danger. Meanwhile my work has, since the change of Government, been handed over temporarily to my colleagues. I am therefore sending your letter to the Foreign Office and asking them to communicate with [page 4] you.

From all I have heard of President Wilson, I have a very great respect for him, and I [had] reason to believe before I left London that he would be very fully informed of my own personal views about the war and the future peace.

Yours sincerely

E. Grey.

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