Hull House
January 6, 1905.
To H. A. Bridgman
Boston, Mass.
Your letter in regard to Dr. Taylor came just a day or two before I delivered the convocation address at the University in which I was very much absorbed. In reading your letter over hastily I got the imperssion that the material was to be send in sometime in January, and now I am quite chagrined to find that it was required December 30th. I need not tell you that I should like very much to do something in appreciation of Dr. Taylor, and if it is not too late, will you let me know? I can only add in defense of my apparent carelessness that the Christmas festivities here only now subsided and included some form of good cheer and entertainment for at least 5,000 of the regular attendants at Hull-House. This year I was obliged to respond to some rather unusual demands from the outside, and my correspondence is hopelessly behind. May I venture to assure you of my appreciation and gratitude of what you are undertaking to do for Mr. Taylor?
Jane Addams [signed]