Jane Addams to Charles Richard Crane, August 3, 1915


August 3, 1915

My dear Mr. Crane: --

I have been meaning to write you ever since I came home to thank you for your many kindnesses to me, especially for making the arrangement by which I was able to see Colonel House. I enjoyed meeting him very much and found him most illuminating in this troublous situation.

I find myself doubly embarrassed that I did not get your letter off before, since here I am again wanting something else. Miss Emily Balch who teaches Economics at Wellesley College, was a member of the Delegation which went to the Northern countries. They saw the Prime Ministers of Norway, Denmark and Sweden; in Norway, they saw in addition the King. In Russia they saw the Prime Minister <of Foreign Affairs> [Sazonov]; so really Miss Balch has some interesting things to say and if you could suggest to Colonel House that he might see Miss Balch, I am sure he would find it well worth his while. Her address is Prince St, Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts, so that it would not be much of an effort for her to get to Manchester by the Sea.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Charles R. Crane, Esq.,
Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

<P.S. I will do the writing if you obtain the permissions.>