Application for Endorsement, April 1915





The Chicago Association of Commerce
Subscriptions Investigating Committee
10 South La Salle Street


1. The organization must be incorporated as a philanthropic organization and have responsible and satisfactory local management. Its administrative committee or board of managers shall meet at least four times a year.

2. The organization must be doing a work whose value is commensurate with the amount of money expended.

3. The organization shall agree to [cooperate] with other charitable institutions in promoting efficiency and economy of administration in the charities of the city as a whole and in preventing duplication of effort. Those organizations engaged in relief work shall register their cases with the Social Service Registration Bureau.

4. The organization shall fill a need not already well filled by an existing organization and not capable of being thus filled. Those who desire to inaugurate new philanthropic organizations should give the fullest opportunity for the discussion of the proposed plans by a group, or groups, of persons who have had wide experience in philanthropic work.

5. The methods employed in raising funds shall be approved by this committee. The committee will refuse endorsement when an excessive percentage is paid to collectors, or when the expenses of an entertainment are disproportionate to the receipts.

6. The accounts shall be audited annually by public accountants.


Name of organization <Hull-House Association>
Address of organization <800 So. Halsted St>
When organized? <1889> When incorporated, and in what state? <1894>
Fiscal year ends <January 1st>
Objects <copy charter>

If a religious institution to what ecclesiastical organization is it responsible? <-->

Are the beneficiaries limited to persons of any particular class, nationality or creed? <no>

If so, state the class, nationality or creed <-->


Names of principal officers:

President <Jane Addams>
Vice-President <Helen Culver>
Treasurer <Louise deK. Bowen>
Secretary <Allen B. Pond>
Manager or Superintendent <Jane Addams>
Chairman of Board of Directors or Trustees [<Jane Addams>] [page 2]

Administration -- Continued.

Names and addresses of Directors or Trustees

<Chas L. Hutchinson -- Corn Exchange Bank>
<Julius Rosenwald -- Sears, Roebuck & Co>
<Mary R. Smith 12 West Wacker Place>
<Allen B. Pond 64 E. Van Buren St -- Sec'y>
<Louise deKoven Bowen 1430 Astor St>
<Jane Addams 800 So Halsted St>
<All of Chicago, Ill.>

How often did your Directors, Managers or Trustees meet last year? <four times>

If you have an Executive Committee how often did it meet last year? <[Residents] met 10 times>

If you have a Finance Committee how often did it meet last year?

By whom are the expenditures authorized? <President and Treasurer>

Give name of Public Accountant whom you have engaged to audit your accounts <Arthur Young & Co>

Give names and addresses of persons authorized to solicit funds
<Prest Jane Addams Hull-House Chicago>
<Treasurer Mrs J. T. Bowen 1430 Astor St>


Do you make use of the Social Service Registration Bureau? (See Requirement No. 3.)

Give names of charitable and philanthropic organizations, institutions, churches, public officials, etc., who are familiar with your work and with whom you [cooperate].
<United Charities of Chicago.>
<Juvenile Protective Association>
<Immigrants Protective League>
<Legal Aid Society.>


Please send copy of your Charter, Constitution and By-Laws (if you have not already done so); also in the case of hospitals, dispensaries, maternity homes, orphanages, child placing institutions, etc., please send copy of last State or Municipal License or similar credentials, such as are usually issued by the Health Department, State Board of Administration, etc., etc.

Please send specimen forms of record cards and blanks in use for applicants or other beneficiaries.

Please notify the Subscriptions Investigating Committee whenever there are changes in the charter, constitution, by-laws, administration or character of your organization. Until otherwise notified the Committee will use the information given in this form.

Further remarks whether suggested by the above inquiries or not, which may be of assistance to the Committee in forming a clear idea of the work, financial status and methods of your organization:

It is essential that this Application be accompanied by:

Copy of LAST ANNUAL REPORT, giving complete account of the work accomplished by your organization.

Signature of President or Superintendent of Organization giving information.
