Kate Waller Barrett to Jane Addams, February 3, 1915


National Council of Women

M.D., D. SC.

February 3, 1915.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Your letter of the 1st received this morning. I shall be very glad indeed to accept the Chairmanship of International Relations and to do my best to further this movement, which I think I can do through the International Council. I find that some of the women in Europe rather resent the International Suffrage Alliance taking advantage, as they think, of the war to promulgate suffrage doctrines. From my point of view the action makes for propaganda without any effort on the part of anyone, for we know that if suffrage was extended to women and people had a voice in this war there would have been found some way to settle other than that which is today bathing the world in blood and tears. I shall report from time to time anything which comes up from an international standpoint.

I shall be in Chicago on the 5th and 6th of February, at [page 2] the Auditorium Hotel to attend the sub-executive of the National Council of Women. I shall be very glad indeed to meet you if you are there at that time and talk over some plans which I have in mind especially available at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, provided we can carry out the plans which are now before the Commissioner General of Immigration to have headquarters for foreigners at San Francisco, with a view towards educating and interesting them in our immigration laws.

I would appreciate it very much if you could find time to look over my report in that of the Commissioner General of Immigration for 1915, and give me some advice in regard to taking advantage in the most practical way of the spirit of the Immigration officials to humanize the laws as far as possible. But I can discuss this with you when I see you.

Faithfully yours, I. H. N.,

Kate Waller Barrett [signed]