Troy. Ohio
March. 17. 1915
My dear Miss Addams.
I notice by the Chicago papers that you, among other women, are contemplating a trip to "The Hague" sometime this spring. You have my very best wishes for your mission. I practiced medicine for over thirty years in New York City [page 2] and am interested in all that concerns women. Since giving up my practice, on account of impaired health, I have put on the market, a remedy, I used for many years, for the prevention of sea-sickness. I will be pleased to send you a package if you would accept it. The circular will tell you of its merits. I will say, however, that it never fails to prevent nausea, when taken as directed. I would be [page 3] glad to supply all the members of your party if I knew who they were. Trusting I may hear from you that you will accept my offer.
I am
Very truly yours.