January 30, 1915
Mme. Rosika Schwimmer,
Hotel McAlpine,
New York, N. Y.
My dear Mme. Schwimmer:-
In answer to your letter to Miss Addams, I will say that we have ordered the stationery, and it will be forwarded to you direct from the printers. Miss Addams thinks it would be better to add your name and address to our regular official stationery with the names of all the officers.
I returned Miss Hobhouse's letter last week; you probably have it by this time.
In accordance with the request from Miss Leckie, I am going to send the literature to the places where you are to speak, and will ask you to see that it is distributed. By Monday we shall have two pamphlets ready, one containing the platform, much enlarged and in far better shape than the present one.
Miss Addams likes your letter to the foreign women very much. She will answer your letter more at length.
Sincerely yours,
Harriet P. Thomas [signed]