Rufus Scott to Jane Addams, November 19, 1913



Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Madam:

It has fallen my pleasure to be interested in mission work of various kinds both at preparatory school and at college, Yale, and this very interest has prompted me to ask you to write a letter to me for the "Yale Daily News" concerning the college man's duty as to the white slave traffic situation.

It has been Yale's fine honor [page 2] to send men in various other fields for good and I think that such an article would stir and help them immeasurably since it would come from the source of such knowledge.

The manner of treating the subject, the subject itself, I leave to you but I would very greatly appreciate a letter from you along that line for publication in our daily.

Wishing you all possible means, I am

Most sincerely yours,

Rufus Scott. [signed]

New Haven, Conn.
November 19, '13.
124 Wall St.

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