Kate Waller Barrett to Jane Addams, February 12, 1915


National Council of Women

February 12, 1915.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Your letter of February 9 is at hand and I hasten to reply. I shall be very pleased to take up correspondence with the National Councils of Women affiliated with the International Council, but it seems to me you should outline the proposal which we shall make to these people that there may be no misunderstanding.

I enclose a letter which has just come to me from Miss Janes, organizing secretary for the Council of Great Britain. Also find one from Mrs. Cummings, of Toronto. You can see that she resents the thought that an Austrian had a part in the Peace Party. I replied immediately and told her that the only foreigner we had any difficulty in eliminating was Mrs. [Pethick]-Lawrence, but I also told her that we gave Mrs. [Pethick]-Lawrence the credit she deserves for having aroused the interest of people. I am glad the request came [page 2] from an English woman rather than from one of the other nations in regard to this matter. I think there has been such a feeling against Dr. Schwimmer on both sides. A good many Germans think she leans too much to the allies and is not pro Austrian sufficiently; on the other hand we have the expressed opinion of many persons interested in organized effort that she was too much Austrian in her feelings. But a similar thing might be said of Mrs. [Pethick]-Lawrence.

Faithfully yours, I. H. N.,

Kate Waller Barrett [signed]