Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, January 26, 1903


My dear Alice

We are terribly sorry to hear about the fire and I do hope that the loss will not prove more serious than you at first supposed.

There is an old play "Every Man" just on the edge of the miracle play period being given town this week--would you like Marcet to hear it? The Rockford Assn meets at Hull-House Saturday evening. She could attend that and easily come in & go out with the college people. [page 2] I think that I will write Miss Gulliver about it, unless you would rather have her not come in. If I don't get a telegram from you not to do it, I will have her come in.

Aren't you coming in for Marcet's spring vacation? I am sure you would enjoy H. H. when it is all running full tilt. Laura seems very well this winter and is developing great skill as a dyer. She sends love to you with mine. Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

Jany. 26"1903

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