Jane Addams to Caroline Margaret McIlvain, December 28, 1914


December 28, 1914

My dear Miss McIlvain: --

Ever since our first year at Hull-House we have had what we call an "Old Settlers' Party" on New Year's day to which the older people of the neighborhood are invited. In addition to the singing and good cheer we have speeches about the early days of Chicago.

The festivities begin at half-past two. Would it be possible for you to come this year? It would add so much to our pleasure!

It has occurred to me that perhaps you could give us the names of some of the people who are identified with the early days of Chicago and who could speak on this subject at our party. We should be very grateful for any suggestions you can make <& guests you may bring.>

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss McIlvain
The Chicago Historical Society.

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