Henry Churchill King to Jane Addams, March 28, 1905


March 28, 1905.

Miss Jane Addams,
265 Henry Street,
New York, N. Y.

My dear Miss Addams: -- Of course we were greatly disappointed not to have you with us for the March lecture, but I still hope that it may be possible for you to come, as you suggest, at some other date. And I think that in this matter we must simply accommodate ourselves to you, only saying that the earlier you could get the lecture in the better, probably, so far as we are concerned. The later part of the college year, of course, is likely to get more and more crowded. But I think I can arrange for almost any date that you find convenient, and I will gladly do so rather than that the students should lose the opportunity of hearing you.

I need not say how sorry I was, too, for the occasion that made it necessary for you to give up the engagement here.

Very sincerely yours,

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