Jane Addams to Sarah Hostetter, September 21, 1914


Hulls Cove Maine

Sept. 21" 1914

My dear Cousin Sarah

Alice expects to reach Hull-House Sept 24" and I find that I can't be there until Oct. first very much to my regret [although] I will be back for the second radium treatment which she hopes to have before she goes to Kansas for the engagement on the tenth. [page 2]

Would it be possible for you to be with her at Hull-House for a few days? It would be a great comfort and solace to her and I should be eternally grateful.

I do not wish to urge you to come if it is not absolutely convenient, for Miss Dewey also is in charge this month, will be very nice I am sure, and the actual treatment may be given at the [page 3] hospital, but I found Alice so eager that you might come, that I am writing [tonight]. Please give my love to Cousin Sue and the others. I do hope that sometimes I may indeed for both to see this beautiful spot, [although] we have had such an anxious summer that at moments it was [covered] with [black].

Always affectionately yours

Jane Addams

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