March 24, 1914.
Dear Madam: --
I wish to submit for your comment and criticism the enclosed copy of propositions bearing upon conditions surrounding women in industry. These tentative recommendations are based upon analyses of recently published reports covering the factors in question, but are subject to change in the light of new evidence which your comment and criticism may develop, or which may be produced from other studies put under way by the Commission within a few weeks after its organization.
It seems to me to be the better part of wisdom to seek the counsel of the advisory committee as soon as any definite recommendations suggest themselves from the investigations. By this procedure the Commission will be able to shape the development of the program with constant reference to fundamental criticisms which may be offered by members of the committee.
I assure you that any suggestions you have to offer will be carefully studied, and that it is the earnest desire of the Commission as a whole, and of myself in particular, that the members of this advisory committee shall always be in close touch and active sympathy with the plans for women in industry. [page 2]
We hope therefore that it will not be long before you will be able to render your deliberate judgment upon the enclosed propositions.
I believe you will agree with me that there are very good as well as very obvious reasons for regarding this correspondence conference on the enclosed tentative recommendations as an "executive session."
Yours sincerely,
Resident Commissioner.