January 13th, 1914.
Dear Madam:
We are disposed to try the experiment of publishing your book, "A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil," in a very cheap edition with the idea by so doing of considerably enlarging the reading public for your work and obtaining in that way not only an additional sale for the work itself but, we trust, for your future works as well.
This edition of the book would be offered to the public at $.50 and sold to the dealers at $.30 or thereabouts, which, as perhaps you know, is only a few cents above the cost of manufacture. As the only hope of making the <a> profit on the issue of such cheap edition of the book is in pushing the work to a larger audience, we are unable to make the usual royalty arrangement and propose that you accept our offer to pay you a royalty of 10% upon the retail price for each copy of such a cheap edition sold.
If, as we hope, you accept our offer, will you very kindly sign and return to us the enclosed agreement of which we shall be glad to send you duplicate.
Yours very truly,