Samuel McCune Lindsay to Jane Addams, July 25, 1913

Columbia University
In the City of New York


July 25, 1913.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams:

Will you let me know when you are going to be in New York or this vincinity? I want to arrange for a conference with you and have present some of the men who are working on the summer program for the department of Social and Industrial Justice of the National Progressive Service. We want to tell you how we are planning this work and to get your suggestions as to the form in which our Report will be of the most use. A recent letter to Mr. Kellogg covers the main points in our understanding of the work we have undertaken and I enclose a copy for your information and would be glad to have any suggestions you may wish to submit in writing. It will be very much more satisfactory to talk some of these matters over and I hope we can do this, if possible some time during the next month. Someone told me that you had an engagement to speak in Ocean Grove or Asbury Park at a big Suffrage meeting in August, and I think Miss Wald also told me that you were to be in Bar Harbor in August. Therefore, I hope you will be passing through New York and can spare a few hours for a little meeting with some of us who are finding the task we have undertaken a somewhat more difficult one than we expected, but a very interesting one.

With kindest regards, I am,

Very truly yours,

Samuel McCune Lindsay [signed]