Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, July 11, 1913


July 11, 1913

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Would you be willing to join me in signing the enclosed note of appeal? I am asking Mr. Riis, Mr. Devine and Professor Taylor to do so also.

The plan is to secure help to enable us to clear these last two months of this experimental year by appealing to some of our readers in the towns and small cities, rather than the large centers. There are one or two other large cities in addition, like San Francisco, which were not effectively reached in the fall.

I am really very hopeful as to the outcome of this year; and, of course, if we can get readers definitely enlisted now as small contributors, many of them will continue other years, and that is the very best underpinning for The Survey that we could possibly devise.


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