Catharine Waugh McCulloch to Jane Addams, August 28, 1912


Chicago, Illinois, August 28, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams,

My dear Miss Addams, --

Thank you for your kind letter which was received yesterday. I do not enjoy the idea, however, of not having you come to Galesburg, for those people will be very anxious to hear you, and I think that we have a stronger claim upon you, in Illinois, than Mr. Roosevelt has. I think that you have helped him so much already by your seconding his nomination that they he ought to ask very little of you now in the way of speechifying. I wish that you would again consider about coming to Galesburg.

We have a letter at Headquarters from Mrs. Lenore G. Smith, <2607> East 76th Street, Chicago, saying that you had promised them a talk on suffrage sometime, and they are very anxious to have you come to their club at Windsor Park. They would like to have you the first Tuesday in December, or February, or March. Can you drop her a card as to when you can go? Her letter seems to indicate that no one else will fill the bill.

Yours truly,

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