3 January, 1913.
Dear Miss Kellor:
Enclosed is a copy of a brief and the substance of a bill in relation to the use of schoolhouses which may be interesting to you, and which seems to me to be a good proposition to put before all the legislative committees in the country, and of good educational use also for your educational committee. I am sending copies of this to Miss Addams and Mr. Lewis. I have about thirty-five copies here which Mr. Ward of the university extension department at Wisconsin has made. Mr. Ward has done great work in our state about <through> schoolhouses, and I think some movement of this sort is fundamental to any effort on the initative and referendum for stirring up public opinion. I shall transmit these copies wherever you see fit. It does not mean, of course, that this plan is to be taken verbatim, but it is worth while looking over by all the progressives in the country and adopting, if possible. If adopted, have it drafted into shape.
Yours very truly,
C McCarthy [signed]
Under separate cover.