Secretary to Benjamin Barr Lindsey to Jane Addams, October 3, 1912


October 3, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Your letter to Judge Lindsey, and enclosure of telegram in re Mrs. Helen M. [Wixon], are just received.

I regret that the Judge is not here to give the matter personal attention. He left the city a few days ago, to campaign for about three weeks in the east under the direction of the national headquarters, and of course it would be impossible to do anything upon his return, since by that time all these matters would be settled. Therefore, I have taken the matter up with Mr. Costigan to see what could be done, and he advises me that it is impossible to take any action in Mrs. [Wixon's] behalf, for reasons which would be too lengthy to explain in the brief space of a letter, but which could be discussed when you come to Denver, if you cared to hear them.

The Judge was in Chicago for a few hours yesterday, and I hope you saw him.

Hoping that the above explanation is satisfactory, and anticipating the pleasure of meeting you upon your visit to Colorado, I beg to remain,

Very truly yours,

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