Frances Alice Kellor to Suffrage Organizations, [1912]


<Sent to Suffrage Organizations>


ROOM 601



Dear Madam:-

The National Progressive Party in its platform adopted at Chicago pledges itself to work for equal suffrage. Making good its promise, women are being given a voice in its management and policy and representation on its committees and at its meetings.

The Party constitutes an unparalleled training school for women who have not participated in political affairs, at the same time offering women every opportunity within the party before they have the ballot. The enclosed pamphlet clearly defines the position of the Party on the rights of women.

As a further evidence of good faith we are writing to the organizations which have long borne the brunt of this fight and have made it possible for women to work within party lines, even without the vote, to ask how we can help you and how we can be of service in your State or local struggle. If there are weak spots or danger spots where our literature or speakers or influence can be of service, will you write us?

If, in addition to the suffrage work of your organization, which we wish to strengthen, members desire to be enrolled as Progressives, which means working for the whole program for the protection of women and children, we will appreciate their communicating with us.

We desire especially your suggestions regarding what the Progressive Party can do to further the cause of women and we would also appreciate your sending us the names of any suffrage or other women's organizations or club in your State.

Yours very truly,

Frances A. Kellor

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