Dearest --
Your second letter came at breakfast and tells me all I have been able to learn concerning the [Clarke] affair. I do hope it is going well isn't it amazing how much we fight. I am glad the fire place end has been stopped, I had a perfectly killing telegram from H. H. Apparently each artist has his [own last] as [page 2] does the shoemaker. I have had a charming visit [with] settlement-folk here and with Miss Wald. She is coming in April as she wrote you. Last night I dined with the Goodriches for [on] a [labratory?] dinner which was amazingly good. Everyone has been endlessly kind and while my throat aches after [page 3] each speech it does hold out until the end. I only have three more and will arrive over the Lake Shore at four o'clock on Friday March 25th. May be I am not homesick for you! it is the reverse of C. Landsberg & Mr Hooker, I almost cry for your ministrations at night when my [page 4] conscience is bad and my spirits low. I have some interesting tales to tell -- think of my [interviewing?] Pres't Eliot tomorrow morning at 9 A.M., on the subject of his attitude toward the printers label! Give my dear love to the dear family I will surely see you at the wedding if not before.
Always yours J. A. --
Boston March 22