Edward Fisher Brown to Jane Addams, May 4, 1911

National Child Labor Committee

New York, May 4, 1911.

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Thank you for your kind letter of the first in the matter of the stage child controversy.

This morning I received a telegram from Mr. Chute in which he states the theatre bill came out of the Senate Committee yesterday. Your prophesy came true, for you feared that the bill would be unexpectedly revived.

I agree with you that there is need of a fresh pamphlet on the stage child controversy which should contain the entire findings of the new investigation which covered a great many points not contained in Mr. Lord's study. You know how cautious we must be about everything bearing the Committee's stamp, especially when our foes are as vitriolic as the theatre people have shown themselves. It is the office rule that everything coming from the Committee be passed upon by Mr. Lovejoy and the whole press committee. In the absence of Mr. Lovejoy in the South I am therefore a little reluctant to go ahead without his sanction. I do not believe he would have any objection, but I should feel relieved if he passed upon the material I propose to include in a pamphlet if it is decided that such a pamphlet should issue.

Mr. Lovejoy is expected back the early part of next week. This matter shall be the first I shall take up with him when he returns, and in the meantime I shall be glad to work up a plan for a pamphlet to be ready when he returns so that no time be lost if the matter is favorably decided. You can understand, of course, the necessity for such caution. Only yesterday the "Dramatic Mirror" made vehement denial of certain statistics procured by Mr. Lord and I want every one of my own facts verified before they go to press. In the meantime, may I ask you to be good enough to tell me about how many words you would want in the pamphlet, and what points you feel particular stress should be laid upon.

With sentiments of appreciation and esteem, I am

Sincerely yours,
Edward F. Brown [signed]

P.S. I am sending you herewith a marked copy of the "Dramatic Mirror" to show you their systematic publicity campaign.

Item Relations


Sue Scher

re Edward Fisher Brown.. you have several mentions of him, but no picture. I have an article about him or by him with a picture. Are you interested?  My interest in him comes from his work as the Children’s Camp Manager at the Palisades INTERSTATE Park Commission.. Harriman State Park

sue Scher professor emerita Social work


Cathy Moran Hajo

hi Sue,

If you have a rights-free image of Edward Fisher Brown that we can add to his bio page we would be grateful! You can send it directly to me at chajo@ramapo.edu.


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