Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, February 24, 1904


My dear Miss Wald

It is very nice to know that you can come in April. My last eastern engagement is at Amsterdam Thursday March 24th and it would be very nice if you could come back with me -- we could meet at Albany or thereabouts on the N.Y. Cent Road.

The new organ will be opened on Sunday March 27" and it would be a pleasure to Mary Smith as well as to the rest of us -- to have you here for that.

You have been most kind about the plans of the Social Hall so I should like to pay for any extra work they may have entailed at the architect's office.

I am recovering from a bad attack of [tonsillitis] and shall have to ask your pardon for using a pencil.

Anticipating your coming with much pleasure. I am always yrs

Jane Addams

P.S. I expect to be in Boston March 20" at Denison House

Feby 24" 1904

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