April 26, 1911.
My dear Jane Addams:
[It's] so seldom that I have a chance to ask you to do anything for me with anything but love in sight that when I see the possibility of a greenback in a transaction my first impulse is to offer it to you. I shall have to be out of my pulpit for May 7th. and May 22nd. Would you care to occupy it for one or both Sundays, for which I would hand you a $20 tip a Sunday? Don't do it if you ought to be resting. I know you won't do it if you can put your time in for better uses elsewhere. I wonder what news you would have to tell me if I could only catch you. There has been much doing and still more to be done.
I am sorry I have not been able to put in a stroke of work with you on the "Child labor" problem. This high-stepping [illegible words] theater folks stirs my gall.
Hastily but cordially yours,