Julius Rosenwald to Jane Addams et al., August 12, 1912


August 12, 1912

√ Miss Jane Addams,
Miss Minnie F. Low,
Judge Julian W. Mack,
Mr. S. C. Kingsley,
√ Father P. J. O'Callaghan,
√ Mr. Louis M. Cahn, and
√ Mr. William C. Graves:

On this, my fiftieth birthday, I take great pleasure in offering to you, as trustees, serving without compensation, the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) to establish in or near Chicago, a Country Club, primarily for the social workers of this city.

You are authorized to form such a club either personally or through a corporation to be organized by you, in such manner as you deem best. The proposed club house should be conveniently located; it should [have] all reasonable facilities for comfortable [weekend], summer and winter vacations. It seems to me that a Club of this kind might have a membership of social workers paying the minimum of dues required to support the enterprise.

The money for the purchase of land, for its improvement, for building, equipment, furniture and furnishings, and for any other purpose necessary for carrying out the trust herein contemplated, shall be payable as needed, after you have submitted for my approval plans which demonstrate to me that the complete enterprise can be accomplished within the sum aforesaid, and that such club when organized can be self-supporting. Such funds as will be required to formulate plans to be submitted, as provided above, will be advanced as needed.

Hoping you can see your way to accept the offer set forth herein, and thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter, I am

Yours very truly,

J R [signed]