Katherine L. Minor to Jane Addams, August 12, 1912

Southdown Plantation
Houma, Louisiana

Agt 12th 1912

My dear Miss [Addams]

I must write and tell you, your speech before the Nominating Convention of the Progressive party -- has almost made a "suffragette" of me -- it was splendid, and [every] woman should be proud of -- so absolutely to the point -- so forceful and clear -- that it was by far the best speech that was made. I have always <admired> you and your unselfish work devotion to your beautiful work, but now I feel the world [would] be the better if you held some [prominent] position in the new party.

Mr [Roosevelt] has always commanded my admiration and respect -- as I am one of those who believe in his sincerity. [page 2] While [everybody] recognizes his great ability. I therefore shall hope to see him President again -- the [Country] [would] prosper and grow better under his administration.

I hope you remember me. I was one of the Vice Presidents of the Board of Lady Managers at Chicago in 93 -- and made a delightful call upon you in the early days of Hull House -- then you lunched with me in New Orleans with Sophie Wright and Mrs. Currie -- [the] dear Sophie is no more -- and New Orleans and the State are the worse off for her taking away. She was a noble woman!

My health has been wretched for the past three years -- and my usefulness has been much impaired. I realize what it is to be a [drone?] -- when there is yet, and always will be so much to be done for The Master -- but His will -- not mine be done.

With many assurances of my sincere regard & respect

Faithfully Yours

Kate L. Minor

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