Sophonisba P. Breckinridge to Francine Collins Palmer, Feb. 1911


My dear Mrs. Palmer,-

In Miss Addams' absence, your letter of January 24, has been handed to me in the thought that I might be of some service to your relatives here, but I confess to a considerable difficulty in framing any plan. Would you be willing for me to send a skillful and tactful visitor from the United Charities to call on Mrs. Hamilton to learn something of her present situation?  Such a visitor would be almost our only recourse, and I think I could manage it so that the visit should be made without Mrs. Hamilton's knowing of the connection. However, I do not feel like doing it without authorization from you, lest Mrs. Hamilton should discover who the visitor was. If you approve this, I will take care of the case at once and will be glad to do anything that is in my power in connection with it.

With assurances of warm sympathy, I am

Very truly yours,