Katharine Coman to Jane Addams, November 17, 1911


November 17th, 1911.

My dear Miss Addams,

My brother recently forwarded me a letter from you in which you very kindly ask after my welfare. After three months of devoted to recuperation, I returned to Wellesley quite restored physically but not yet possessed of much nervous endurance. I am not attempting college work, but manage to busy myself over certain literary undertakings. I shall be all right again soon.

This morning, I was reading the first article in your series, The New Social Conscience and an Ancient Evil. I am so grateful to you for undertaking this much needed task. No one could speak with better assurance of a comprehending constituency, and your treatment is fearless while restrained. Certainly no one will accuse you of muck-raking. To my mind, this one achievement is worth all the years of patient, sympathetic observation you have spent at Hull House. God grant that the thinking men and women of Chicago and our other great cities may respond to your words by courageous deeds!

Another subject that is dear to my heart. Cornelia Warren and Amy F. Rowland are now in Madrid looking into the achievements and the needs of the International Institute. Soon after her return, Miss Rowland means to visit Chicago in that interest. She is to address the Association of Collegiate Alumnae on the third Saturday in March. Will you not secure for her an interview with Mrs. Emmons Blaine, Mrs. Henrotin, and others who may prove helpful? Both Miss Warren and I have had some correspondence with Mrs. Blaine and found her quite approachable.

I trust that your summer meant renewal of strength in spite of your strenuous task.

Loyally your friend Katharine Coman. [signed]