Frank L. Nelson to Jane Addams, November 27, 1911

F. L. Nelson,
49 William St.
New York.

Nov. 27, 1911.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,

Dear Miss Addams:-

The parents of twenty five to thirty thousand cadets in the United States will seriously object to your misuse of the word in your otherwise splendid article in the December issue of McClure's. I know that the newspapers have given the word currency in its recent gross adaptation to vice. The newspapers are guilty of many crimes against the language besides this. Thinking writers should do all in their power to rescue from the mire this good word that ought to stand for patriotism, for high motives, for ambition and everything that is best in our youth.

I know that in the larger purposes that absorb your attention this is a small matter. I am sure that, had the matter ever occurred to you you would be the last to offend. My own feelings on the subject are strong. I was a cadet myself. I have a son whom I shortly hope to see a cadet. Therefore I am doing the little that I can to rescue the word.

You will not remember me among the thousands of reporters who have interviewed you and whom you have so graciously assisted but it was my frequent pleasure to meet you in the fifteen years, beginning about the time of the establishment of Hull House, that I spent in newspaper work in Chicago. This will, however, explain my freedom in calling this matter to your attention. 

With none but the kindest wishes for your noble work I am

                          Very sincerely yours

 Frank L. Nelson [signed]

Formerly with Chicago Record-News. Record-Herald.

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